Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Something I have learned from analyzing my peers is that people who are secure with themselves don't try so hard.  Insecurity is a funny thing, it makes us as human beings, more vicious, defensive, sluttier and obviously coming off to our peers that we are trying to overcompensate for whatever it is that is held over us in our mind.  Truth be told, we are our best friends and worst enemies; this is not a new concept that we have the power to build or tear ourselves down.  What is new is the sense of empowerment that comes from this: if we filter out the things in our lives (people or habits) that make us insecure, we will become weaker individuals.  Instead we need to embrace the fear of rejection and failure dead on to feel the burn of it and realize what we were so afraid of was something that we can overcome.  Silence is powerful, it gives control of a situation and an air of mystery that makes an intriguing individual desirable.  Don't try too hard, don't push yourself on someone because if they are worth knowing you, they will appreciate your subtlety and security.  Those who are desperate are never truly respected, because most of the time they don't respect themselves.  

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