Wednesday, June 5, 2013

late night quandaries.

Some nights are harder than others; I wake up and stare at the ceiling in anticipation.  There are moments in my life that I reminisce about my life, where I've come from, where I am going, and the dark future that lies ahead that waits to reveal itself.  I can't help but think the worst sometimes, when my aspirations for being a writer become gloomy.  I wait for doors to open, opportunities to await me, but the fear that they never will appear haunts my thoughts in the dreary twilight of my subconscious. 
Dreaming about my future is beautiful; I see myself selling books that I have published and appearing on talk shows, radio shows, anything to get my opinion heard.  I wish to help and inspire my readers, the small amount of listeners and readers that I can reach and hopefully impact their lives in at least a small but positive way.  One day, hopefully, I will be released from my fears and anxieties of my life as a writer, and simply write for the heck of it.  Maybe I will change perspectives and write because I love it and because I can be an influence to those who follow my work.  I wish to serve God as my main priority, that my work would glorify him, and that I can represent the type of individual to who is a Jesus freak, who dedicates their passions and life's motivations to God.  I wish to proudly say that I have given up my desire for self gratification and fame, but more to impact the world for God.  To be used for his will would be the ultimate opportunity.  

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