Saturday, January 18, 2014

animal identities

            The best way to get to know someone is to ask them simple questions, but really dig into their answers. I am conducting a study to see if you can generally understand a person by their answer to the question,"if you were an animal, what animal would you be?"
           This question is very basic on the surface, something that we have all had some kind of discussion over with friends or colleagues as a joking matter.  However, subconsciously, I believe that there is a deeper reasoning behind the answer to this question.  Also, I am hypothesizing that there is a direct correlation to an individual's self esteem and the answer of this question.
          After asking some of my coworkers this question, I have noticed a pattern to their responses;  they will either answer with a common animal,  or they will come up with an exotic animal.  After I asked each person, "Why do you feel you are a ____?" I am always suprised by their reason behind it.
One of my coworkers answered, "I would be a black panther, because I am really sneaky, very independent, and kind of sexual".  The answer may have been a little vague, but behind it you can annotate this response to pull out the more raw material: the person is a girl, so she chose a feline because it is the most commonly related animal to a woman, so the individual is very feminine and proud of it (true, she is in a sorority).  Secondly, her acknowledgment of her 'sneaky' behavior indicates that she is more reserved and likes to assess the situation before she acts.  Lastly, her last remark about her 'sexual' behavior not only supports the feminine aspect that controls her actions, but also her ability to use her sexual appeal to manipulate others around her, and understand the power that she has because of it.  Like a cat, she desires to be feared and respected, but also adored for her natural beauty.
     When I asked myself that question, I came to the conclusion that I am a chipmunk.  Behind my answer is a self analysis waiting to be decoded, and here it is:  I love to have people give me attention, but in away that is adoring, not undressing.  I am innocent, and like to be alone, separated from the rest of the world at times, up in a "tree" is translated as lost in a book where I am left unbothered.  So when you ask someone this question, it can be in a funny atmosphere, or serious, there are so many layers to each individual, and it is your job as a person to uncover the strangers around you for who they really are.

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